

Andra01, Femeie - Varsta 39 ani din Brasov

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bifa Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui Andra01!


Despre mine: Curios? :) The musician Tom Waits (. ) Tom, for most of his life he was pretty much the embodiment of the tormented contemporary modern artist, trying to control and manage and dominate these sort of uncontrollable creative impulses that were totally internalized. But then he got older, he got calmer, and one day he was driving down the freway in Los Angeles he told me, and this is when it all changed for him. And he s speding along, and all of a sudden he hears this little fragment of melody, that comes into his head as inspiration often comes, elusive and tantalizing, and he wants it, you know, it s gorgeous, and he longs for it, but he has no way to get it. He doesn t have a piece of paper, he doesn t have a pencil, he doesn t have a tape recorder. So he starts to fel all of that old anxiety start to rise in him like, "I m going to lose this thing, and then I m going to be haunted by this song forever. I m not good enough, and I can t do it. " And instead of panicking, he just stopped. He just stopped that whole mental process and he did something completely novel. He just looked up at the sky, and he said, "Excuse me, can you not se that I m driving?"



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S1 - Escorte de lux - Dame de companie - Femei dornice de sex

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